How to send a telepathic message to someone you love | Lets learn what is a telepathic message & how to telepathically communicate by real secret exercise with experiment.

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If you really want to learn what is telepathic message/mental message with spiritually meaning completely how to send a telepathic message with your soul mate, twin flame, lover, Ex boy/girlfriend who is living far away from you then let's go.

Are you thinking really telepathic communication or telepathic message/mental message works! then let's research with an example.

Today we are going to do a very interesting, a really amazing exercise and it's called sending your mind message or sending a mental message or it is known as telepathic or telepathy.

Let’s go to do a mind blowing experiment that will really amaze you and very powerful interesting, try and give you the proof of how powerful your mind is, how powerful your thoughts are. Are you ready for it? I'm sure you are.

Why telepathic message is working but also that you will not just be going to do the process.

You will know how telepathic message works; why it works and if telepathic message is not working in case what you have to do about this.

So if have tried this technique let me comment. If you have done it before now its time to do it again with the easy technique.


You ready for it? I'm shot so before we dive into the process and I'm going to give you a step by step what you have to do, but first, you need to understand why telepathic message works.

It works beautifully. Now, the universe is made of energy and vibration. The most powerful device in the universe is the human mind!

Yes, The human mind work is through thought vibration. Now when we are talking about something intensely whether positive or negative Good, bad things about some something, when we focus very strongly with concentration with continuous thinking consistently we generate a lot of thought vibration.

At that's what we release in the universal Now, this telepathic message or in this mental message or Mind message or brain messages, what we are going to do we are going to create a concentration of messes like we are going to think about someone and think about something and do it with so much focus that we are going to transmit or connect that message with and that person is going to talk to you call you back connect with you.

And you are going to get proof of how powerful your mind is. And even if you are not aware of the law of attraction, even if you don't believe in the law of attraction, don't believe in the power subconscious mind or haven't done it before still, I want you to give it a try because this will amaze you.

This will give you proof of how our mind works and the power of your mind.

Now, before we jump in one thing I want to tell you that all of you have experienced this before in your life.

If there are times when you feel like calling your mom, You feel like calling that friend or that boyfriend or girlfriend or that close friend.

 And then you get a call or a text message from the same person. Or sometimes you want to talk about say about something, and the same thing.

 And you just say like, Oh my god, this is what I wanted to save this point. And the reason you both laugh and smile like this is because you are both vibrationally connected and aligned at that instant.

Now what you are going to do today, and I want all of you to try it today, you can do now, or you can do it at night or try it out at a time of day when no one can bother you.

And I want all of you to come back to this site and share your thoughts. Before we jump into the process.

I want you to promise that you are going to try it and you are going to come back to this site. Let me know in the comments section how a telepathic message works for you.

Telepathic message complete process with live example step by step for beginners

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So now the first thing I want to do is choose a person don’t with too many people all of a sudden Choose first one person.

NOTE - Now when you choose this person, this is the most important part to the person with whom you have a good relationship in the past or in present.

This is very important for you to Start it sending telepathic messages because if you choose someone who doesn't know you or if you choose someone with whom you have a better experience. There's a lot of negativity Friction was there.

It is not I work in the beginning. So you have to first start with beginner level, When you play video games, mobile games. You start with one level And then you have the level.


So, first and foremost, find someone with whom you have a positive relationship. It can be somebody in your family members, Some relatives, some friends, your Ex lover, wife, husband, your child…

Someone from your work or officially life social life or Even if someone with you don't have very strong bond but don't have negative.

So preferably to someone with whom you have a good Relationship means the positive relationship & If you haven't spoken to them for wait some time like maybe for three months, six months, one year three year. It's better to test this Telepathic message. So choose a person.


Once you choose that person. Consider some of the wonderful times you shared with this person.

Sometimes you have laughter sometimes you have a joyful experience sometimes you had a fun experience, maybe in a movie may be in a vacation maybe somewhere.

Think about that for a while. Think about that happily joyfully. If you're not able to think it then just breathe in for a few times, breathing for few times and breathe out for few times go into a little meditative state and think about some joyful moment until you feel happy, you can stop to reading this article and do it, or later in the day, you can again read continue this article and do this.

So after choosing the person's recall some good moment with that person, because that's when you activate your positive energy that connects their positive energy.

Now the bond is there. Now what you are going to do, you are going to set the intention, like when you are sending the telepathic message or the mind message, or how you want them to respond, what you want them to respond not just like they just call you and get confused, you don't want that thing.

So then you set the intention, like, what I want this person to do, like whether I want him to call me or text me or email me if they have your number they will call you or text you if they don't have your number and if you're choosing someone whom you know many years back, then they will email you or find you on Facebook or LinkedIn and send you a message or something like that, or maybe on Instagram.

So, decide on the manner, or how you'd like them to connect. And then what you want them to communicate with you, it may be, like, if you are on regular contact it may be both of you plan for a vacation after the lockdown and everything will be over completely right, going on a vacation, or going for a movie, or maybe planning a meeting or meeting for coffee, or for dinner, or you can even think about, like, he or she will call you and discuss about something else something about the past maybe a vacation you had, you people had together or some movies that you went together, or maybe he or she will talk about some new movies or new books they have read that maybe he or she will going to talk to you about the law of attraction maybe that person may be reading this article.

He or she may be reading this article and ask you where you know, So, any kind of conversation is possible.

So think about a conversation that you want to have, Because when you focus on an intention strongly, then your power of sending that mind message will be very, very strong.

How much minute takes time to connect with my lover?

So once you think about it for a while, maybe a minute, two minutes three minutes, five minutes, if you are in the joyful mode, keep thinking about like, how we are going to talk about it, how we are going to share about it, how we are going to laugh together, how we are going to extend the message in excitement.

So, so how would you express your joy and excitement? That is what you must feel, and then you must release the frequency into the universe, and then you must ask the universe, "Universe, it is your task to be done," and then you must release the vibration into the universe, and you must not worry about it and you don't have to worry about it.

Now, if you have done it. Let me know in the comments area if you've completed it and are awaiting the answer.

When I get a result of telepathic message

Now here is the important part, most of you are going to get the result within 24 hours or within 48 hours; some of you will receive the result, proof, or message from the person.

And let me tell you, it works so well that you will be blown away. But promise me when you get the message you are going to come back and comment for a little percent is of you, for a smaller percentage of you people, it may not you may not get it in 48 hours and you may get a telepathic message or the connection.

After two days, three days five days and still it is a manifestation. So, Do not throw doubt on this process, know when this process doesn't work, or create resistance or block in this manifestation. Many people asking –

Can I send this telepathic message to some celebrities someone who doesn't know me, know that is not going to work because let's suppose someone doesn't know you, how even if you send that thought vibration how that person will know that it's you has sent it, so don't try that.

Second thing, many people do another mistake is when they get to know this process, all of a sudden for the very first attempt, they tried for someone with whom they have a very bad relationship or a very bad break off or fight, like for example, if you have a very bad breakup or a fight with a friend or your partner or your lover, or someone at your workplace, and you try to get the first message from them, but because you are not able to generate that positive thought vibration to connect with them because they have blocked you or they are away from you.

So you can try for them later on. First, when you get your strength, like leveling off, so the most important thing here is to try it with someone with whom you don't have any resistance, any resistance, even if you haven't talked to that person for 10 years, maybe even a school friend maybe a college friend maybe someone with whom you have worked even 10 years back, but it has to have a positive relationship, then you try.

So my friend, this is very interesting and powerful process and you will get amazed, and when you get the result come back and share it.

If you are excited about this experiment, if you are very excited like this information and send this article to someone who should try this experiment along with you.

 You can share this article on your Instagram, and when you get that message, come back, and comment, share it in your Instagram, and most importantly, this will give you the proof of the power of your mind, how powerful it is.

From there, you can keep strengthening your mind. Now, if you want to learn more tools, techniques, and processes, how you can use the power of your mind to manifest your desires. Then read our articles you will get more information.

Conclude – Here we have learned the How to send and receive a telepathic message/s to someone you love instantly with a complete step-by-step process by using the secret formula you will learn how to telepathically communicate with your twin flame or ex-lover by sending telepathic messages instantly.

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 Tags - telepathic message, what is a telepathic message, how to send a telepathic message,


Hi Friends, Here I have shared the ultimate secret of the real law of attraction and the best manifestation methods with examples. So if you want to manifest your dream then you can learn the secret of the universal formula. Thanks