AURA COLORS AND THEIR MEANINGS | Let's learn what are the real & the true different types of auras colors with full meaning & symbols with a chart.
here to talk to you guys about 11 different
types of auras colors, what they
are and what they mean.
The aura consists of 7 different
layers and each
layer has its own meaning and its own unique frequency, these different layers
can affect your emotions, your thinking, your actions, your behavior, and your
health as well.
So a person's aura can tell a lot about what
they're feeling what they're thinking, their personality, their wants, their
needs, their desires.
So depending on the frequency of your aura, it will be different colors, depending on your mood, your thoughts, and your general state of being.
So I'm going to go through quickly the different colors that your aura might be, and what that is associated with.
So, let’s learn how many aura colors are there why the different chakra colors also correspond with the aura colors.
Primary AURA colors
- Red – Root or Base Chakra
- Orange – Sacral Chakra
- Yellow – Solar Plexus Chakra
- Green – Heart Chakra
- Blue – Throat Chakra
- Indigo – Third Eye Chakra
- Purple – Crown Chakra
NOTE - Please keep in mind that the colors of your aura can (and do) vary over time, depending on your life experiences, emotions, and circumstances.
closely related to your physical body. Usually, the deeper the red, the more
grounded you are and the more light, the more energetic and passionate and
creative you're going to be, while the deeper read is more powerful, strong, and
brief explained -Supposing you see the first of our colors,
which is connected with the Mooladhara Centre, which is the root center of the
chakras, and this color is red,
it's a primary color.
So, red
is a color of passion, isn't it? So if you think about the psychological meanings
have a color that is often the same thing as what the meanings are for the color in the auric field, because we're
projecting our emotions and our feelings and they change the colors of the aura, we don't have a
set color and say that your aura is
permanent blue or permanently red, you know, it changes depending upon your
tell you a few stories about that
later. So reds, the energy color is full of sometimes it can be anger, but
also it can be a vitality, it can be athleticism. So when you see red in an aura, it might show the person is very healthy and be doing a lot
of work on themselves.
could show they're a bit it could be a bit violent,
even if you see a very strong rake or, and particularly the colors are darker.
darker they are the more kind of sinister they become in a way that doesn't
apply to some of the colors like the Indigos
which I'll talk about later.
I talk
about the colors of the auras, So the
red color is also associated with sexuality. So a person with a very strong
red aura you know like a person might dress to kill right so that's probably
reflecting some of the energy that's coming out from them in their aura we often choose our clothes
pending on awkward so causes passions anger if you get flashes red in the aura it might show energy coming
showing into that other color you know and it comes as a pink tone which often occurs in
pregnant. So this is still the bodily color of the red but in this case, it's become softened it's become nurturing
color and it's become pink.
The color orange in your aura, just like the color orange for the sacral chakra, to your reproductive organs sexual health, sexual desires, creativity, and emotions, color, excitement, and outgoing social nature.
brief explained - Orange is like a combination of yellow Right
so as the dynamic energy of the Red. So
it's still Got a lot of energy, but this time it's tempered.
So the
orange color combines the power of red with yellow which we can
sometimes connect with intellect and creativity.
And so
this can show perhaps intellectual ambition, it can show willpower mastery of
the will, it can search over the desire for change, or breaking with the past and
things like this.
And if
you see balls of orange light in the or it can indicate the person has been
concentrating on things concentrating on issues, it often comes when a person's
been doing something like an examination or something like that.
So you
know, your intuitive feeling, we'll have to interpret that what that can mean,
you know because if you see a concentrated ball of orange light in the aura
somewhere, you might see that spot that fills, they're concentrating on
something, to tell them what it is, you know, oh, you've been doing an exam in
law, would you understand that? You know, so, we connect very much with the
connection through this way.
and it's also linked to the spleen area of the body. And so, therefore, is
thought of often as a color of
cleansing and clearing so it might person might health wise might be going
through a period of recovery when they see orange
in the aura.
Now the
next color in the aura is connected with the next chakra which is the MANIPURA CHAKRA wouldn't worry too much about
the chakras too much with this but more You're interested in the colors.
It relates back to a solar plexus chakra, so it is
the life center, the lifeforce energy center of your body, and having a yellow
really good sign that you are just a super outgoing, positive, energetic
brief explained - Yellow is also the color of spiritual
awakening, inspiration, intelligence, and optimism, also be a super
playful color, usually yellow people are super playful, outgoing, bubbly
spontaneous, and just super fun to be around one of my best friends personally
has a yellow or green comes back to the heart chakra.
So we
got another primary color of course energetic comment this is associated with intellectual activities just given a hint of that Before with the orange
so it's crazy cell phones impression with the Van Gough loved yellow greatly
didn't he was a very expressive sort of prose.
So we
see inspiration in a person that is the or is likely to be a yellow tone
because yellow around the head will come sort of like gold in yellow some time it was sometimes the auras in the yellows and
golds can often indicate a very inspired person often very talk a person as
well hey for you guys so it sounds like mental activity and it's generally a very optimistic colors to optimistic person will often have us strong yellow color in that aura shows us with happy notice as well and
brightness and cheer fullness.
So that
yellow and this has changed its tone sometimes the tone could be like a pallet
yellow will be illness can say okay how you interpret these too literally
remember the tones can often change to be quite different things.
so that
sort of sickly yellow in the aura might show the person's ill or depressed or,
or going through a very, very bad patch, yet a bright sunflower type yellow can
show that they're very extremely happy, bright, intellectual, and creative, you
you've got to be a bit careful how you interpret the colors, to literally so
use your intuition. now we go on to the green.
So people with a green
aura, to be naturally nurturing rooted back to the earth, love, happiness in
their aura usually have a tender heart and a love for animals, a love for
nature and people of all kinds, they're usually very easy going with change
since green is also abundance and change. Usually, people who are in healing
industries, people who are practicing Reiki healers massage therapists,
teachers, green or is because they want to help as many people as possible.
brief explained - People who also have green auras, usually are
the leaders of organizations, charities, things like that.
green is a combination color, it's not a primary color, it's a combination of
blue, and yellow, of course, to get
we've got these, we've still got this quality of the yellow coming into the green. and yet we've also got the colors blue, which I'll explain in a
green is often associated with nature. it's often a color that's seen in
spiritual healers, often healers will have both green and blue in their aura as a very dominant color.
So in
the astral spectrum, it kind of represents balance and a person is the
balance color of nature.
anybody with a lot of green, you'll probably find this quite a stable sort of
person. they're probably the person that helps in difficulties they calm
everybody down to the good guy, the color of recovery again, although, again, if
we see a lime green, perhaps a green that looks a bit of a sickly color in the
aura again, it could show the opposite it could show illness you know then
a bright spring green which is also a kind of a paler green would also
cover it you see.
So the
color needs to be interpreted carefully but the general overviewing
thing with the green color is all
sociated with this it's got the spirituality of the blue it's got the intellectualism of the people creativity
of the yellow.
they've come to kind of in-between it's a balanced color I'm an often a person
that has the cutters particularly it's an emerald sorter tone we would think of
that person has been a reliable strong character and generally a well-balanced personality.
So the
next color about green is associated center that center by the way in the
Now the
next chakra is the throat for the full throat chakra, the Vishuddha chakra, as they
call it in the Sanskrit language. Now, this is the color blue in western ways of
looking at our aura colors.
The color
blue comes back to the throat chakras and speaking. Usually, people with pure blue auras are able to communicate
very well.
brief explained - They're super clear minded, they know what
they want, they have a strong intuition, And they're very inspiring to listen
Now blues are the spiritual colors, blues
on our astral palette stand for sort of high ideals of tourism, humanity,
devotion, reverence, even religious aspirations can be associated in this blue
color blue is a spiritual color, and it's associated with the sky.
So it's
also associated with feelings of freedom and release and expansion. it's escaping from restriction.
So if
we start to see this in a person's aura,
we might see these things they might have just been released from a very difficult relationship and their color is
now relapsing.
goodness you know that colors of turns from maybe a red of anger to a blue now
of, of escape and, and freedom and it's a color associated game with the
healers with healing and health and peace as well and remember, the tones can
change do the paler colors could give an icy blue might show a person to be a
bit hard with their emotion, a bit of an icy character, as it were.
then remember, blues can be something like a powder blue could even show some
qualities of kindness and sympathy.
know, it's a gentle color that doesn't offend. and yet there's then a little
bit roiled. so in terms of the colors, according to your gut, feeling, an
understanding of what your wishes any kind of color I'm giving you.
Indigo relates to the third eye
chakra. So if you have in your aura or if you know someone who has Indigo in
their aura, odds are they are a highly spiritually awakened person they see
things very clearly they understand things very well, they can understand
concepts that are quite complex to other people, they have a deep sense of
intuition, they feel feelings even deeper.
brief explained - These people have a huge mind and a huge
capacity to feel and throw. While it relates back to the crown chakra, which is
on top.
And this
color is really sensitive and why is this of the colors, usual people with
extrasensory perceptions have violet aura colors or people who have psychic
abilities. They're usually visionaries very artistic magical people
having lavender in your aura color is kind of a mix of different types of purples, so it really is more up in here.
next auras color is indigo, purple, and violet which is associated with
the third eye, this is another chakra. now, the third eye indigo color,
when you start to see indigo under personal shows, they're very much on a
spiritual path, they may have images, they may have psychic powers, they may have a deep religious understanding of
things they may have, he has a very dark like I said, with this color, it
doesn't show diversity, it shows a depth of understanding, a very deep, deep
indigo may show the persons connected to their unconscious mind might have an
understanding of the dream world might be just even not necessarily spiritually
minded, but they're dealing with those aspects of the deeper aspects of the human psyche.
So, violet, it kind of takes it even to a
step further, where the violet colors
are of the higher spiritual aspirations right and will often see these then
flashed with other colors such as silver,
which gives energy and brightness and often comes in a silvery color when you see in the aura.
So if
you see a spirit, spiritually minded, the humorous person that has not just this
not just the violence and the blues and
the indigos, but they'll also have flashes of other colors such as gold color protection and silver
color which I say is the high level of pranic, energy, spiritual awakening, and
laughter and fun.
again, all these things have to be interpreted according to your intuition,
it's not a thing we can do by the book all the time, we have to get a deeper
understanding of what these colors are telling us when we see them in the
so just
a few other colors. it causes many,
many colors we can make we can
billions are possible, I'll give you the main view they're just kids oh, one
other color white will often be the color of purity, of course, but it's also
pure prana.
why is
a good sign in the aura, it's a sign of the cut that the person is very
healthy, that the person is again on a high spiritual level and it usually occurs when the person is very
deeply at peace with themselves.
Lavender is my aura color and I actually
have violet and lavender mixed together with colors of imagination, intuition,
very similar to violet.
AURA COLOR AND MEANING - Silver is very rare or color and
silver can sometimes be confused with white, but they are not seen.
is the color of abundance, just like green but even more so. So Silver's have
the unique ability to manifest
things very quickly into the physical around.
A white aura color can indicate someone
who is very spiritually awakened,
usually people who are highly enlightened.
In brief explained with example - I would say that Jesus whatever aura Buddha would have had a white aura, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam would have had a white aura, all of these very highly advanced spiritual teachers would have had white auras and there are so many people walking around Earth right now.
White auras and it is so amazing that people have the potential to raise their vibration enough to become
literally a bright white light.
can also indicate that the person is pregnant, or their angels are nearby.
Gold is the color of protection, wisdom, and
spiritual guidance, gold also represents being guided by your spirit guides and
can indicate that this person has a strong relationship with their spiritual
Rainbow is one of the most or
to have in your aura, and usually, only Reiki Masters have this aura color, or people who are on their
first incarnation on Earth, if you believe in that kind of thing past lives,
future lives reincarnation.
If you
believe in that and the first time that you will be on earth that is usually
when you will have a rainbow or because you haven't been tainted by Earth yet
and you haven't really learned anything so you are so pure and connected.
some of the darker colors are a
little harder to talk about. But if you ever encounter someone who has a dark brown, black, grey and thing kind
of like that, even normal colors that are just very dark and muddy down like muddy
down red really dark green, really cool, dark blue, these kinds of colors,
truly meet in all the negative energy that's around you.
It can
also mean, there are negative spirits, negative energies in your aura that
need to be cleansed.
It can
mean that you're holding on to negative experiences that are tainting your
energy fields, your thoughts might be constantly, negative.
person who has a dark aura will also have just general bad vibes. So with that, hopefully, you
learned a little bit from this article.
Now auras
black color can also be seen in the aura although this isn't color as
such because we don't get black light
black is the absence of light but sometimes in an aura you'll get these patchy dark patches, I have seen it around people
who are severely depressed and it's strange because the color looks almost
like a light and yet it's radiating from them, you know if there was no light
at all, but you see it as black patches sometimes and I've seen a friend of
mine who took his own color of his aura was so dark once that it was
frightening you know.
So we
an illness can often be black patches if we start to look around the body and
things like that, but I'm keeping just to the mainly to the main color meanings at the moment.
So auras black and the darker colors tend
to be the more depressive the more negative towards health and the bright
pastel colors tend to be taking us towards more clear thinking and brighter
thinking and cheerfulness. I hope you are understanding what are the AURA
COLORS AND THEIR MEANINGS briefly if you are facing any problem then comment me.
So let
me give you a few examples of how you're can change because I remember coming back from a spiritualist church
one night I'd been doing a demonstration I got back fairly late.
It was
fairly dark when I got home and jane the wife went to bed now remember, she's
also a medium. I came into the room and she said, oh my god as I stood there, your aura is so bright.
obviously, it was because I've been demonstrating mediumship all night, all day
or evening, you know? and she said a lot. it's beautiful. it's golden yellow and things like that and
I said.
Let me
just try something and close my eyes and visualize me or a changing check,
god is just changing red. okay, let me
try again, is trying to blue.
So the color and emotion that I was pumping
into my aura, so I pump a feeling of
anger into my aura and go red or
deep spirituality and go blue and I'd even if I thought the color, it would
flush the aura with color with it and hopefully helps you think to understand this, that the aura is influenced by our psychological state and the thoughts we
So we
can change the color or so we don't
say I'm a person that's got a violet, or
blue or silver or your aura is changing all the time.
from a psychics point of view, it's a great way to connect, because you have to
go a bit deeper.
sometimes you might get your own personal associations, like often when I see a
very pale violet in a person's aura, I know that that person is a vegetarian
and there's no reason I can say that violet means vegetarian but I just
like that, when I see a vegetarian person, for
example, and other things like this, the colors will start to connect with you and let's face it, more
importantly, from the person's point of view, they don't want to just know what
the colors of their aura, they want to know what it means.
So if I
see a red patch floating around the aura
and I might say that red patch is something you're concentrating on, it's an orange patches, something that you're
focused on and then I have to go look a bit further with my intuition.
So are
you studying law? are you doing an exam tomorrow, you know, so you've
gone from seeing the color to giving
more information and given the person something that could be to them and
then you can see a bit more on the unexplained about that, you see, so these
things are a way in with our psychic work, they're not the end in
themselves, I feel the aura is a very
useful tool to get to a being able to give some spiritual teaching to that
And I find
this with my own work is particularly if I'm doing face to face I'm working in
theatre like I said, it's very useful if you're working with an audience,
because sometimes, if you're a medium, for
example, you might not immediately get a spirit thing you might get
suddenly get a blank because your energy is dropped, you know.
So I say,
well, I cement folks, I can't get the spirit link of the mountain just gonna
work on an auric level with you for a minute and I look for someone in the
audience, I look for the brightest or great because you know, that person is
going to work with you better, they got the energy and then I might start
giving something about their aura.
Now how
i've got the spirit person with me and so I say, you might say something like
you're you've got blue or you're working spiritual, are you either yes, I’m a
healer, or your grandmother was a healer too, wasn't she wasn't a nancy, you
know and then so you've gone from you've jumped from the psychic to the
So those are some little tips, perhaps that can help those of you that are on the path, developing your psychic and trying to take your psyche to the next level, which is the media mystic, and then those are perhaps taking the media mystery to the next level still, which is the highest spiritual cosmic consciousness. So hopefully, that's some useful things there with the color of the auras.
If you don't know how to see aura then you can learn free, I have shared briefly on this lawofattractionrealsecret site.
Conclude – Here we have learned all the real
aura colors and their meanings completely in short and briefly with examples
and secret hidden tips on how you can
change your aura's color, why your own aura color changes.
Tags- colors of aura and their meaning, color of auras meaning, auras colors, aura color, meanings of aura colors chart.