WHAT DOES AFFIRMATIONS MEAN | Let's learn what is affirmation's full meaning & the real definition spiritually with examples? How to use affirmations & what the bible says?
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let’s learn full details about what is an affirmation
mean by reading these top 6 real fact sentences you can better
understand the exact meaning and purpose of the word in the English language.
- Affirmation is a type of self-declaration that helps you to achieve your goal in a positive way.
- Affirmation is a sentence that we speak to ourselves.
- There is a type of self-talk.
- Affirmations are just a type of statement to yourself for achieving your goal in a few days.
- Affirmations are just positive autosuggestions.
- Affirmation is a just source of communication to you in a sequence.
Note- Affirmations are the key to success.
believe many of you have heard about affirmations, but there are still
so many people out there, they don't quite understand what are affirmations,
how to use them, and how do they work.
You may
know that you can use affirmation to
help you think positively, and manifest the things that you want.
fact, affirmations, have been associated
with manifestation. And yes, it is, however, is unlikely, you can manifest anything you want if your
thoughts are negative.
So affirmation is more than just a manifestation
event is preparing you before you can manifest the things that you want.
limiting beliefs are the source of the majority of our negative thoughts. When
we have limiting beliefs, for example. We are that, and we are actively limiting
access to our manifestations coming to fruition.
That's why
positive affirmations can serve as an inspiration, as well as like simple
reminders to ourselves, They are used to help
reprogram our conscious mind, if we practice them often.
And to
encourage you to believe certain things about ourselves and the power, we think
that's, and that's how we can start manifesting
the reality that we want.
Positive affirmations have been demonstrated in numerous studies to boost the amount of feel-good hormone in our brains and counteract negative ideas and behaviors, resulting in positive feelings that can transform our physiology and improve our physical, mental, and emotional health.
there is also studies shown that the higher your self esteem, the more
effective affirmations can be, if you have low self esteem, positive affirmations, may make you feel bad or worse, because
they set up a conflict between the positive
space you desire, and the negative feelings, let's do it step by step.
there are so many ways we can create the
affirmations that best suits you. So today I want to give you a clear definition of affirmations.
And I
will also share how to apply it
effectively, which can help you improve your emotional health, and change your
life in a positive way.
Affirmations are positive phrases that can help you fight and overcome self-defeating and negative beliefs.
repeating them frequently and believing in them, anyone can begin to see
positive changes in your life.
And so
often, we always talk ourselves into believing that we are not good enough. And
as a result, these thoughts, affecting
our personal lives, our relationships, and our careers, negatively.
But if
we deliberately do the opposite and use positive thoughts about ourselves. The
effect can be just as powerful and far more helpful.
Let me ask you a question: Have
you ever considered how interconnected everything is?
often, our thoughts are directly affecting our emotions, Gandhi was said –
Your beliefs become your thoughts
Your thoughts become your words
Your words become your actions
Your actions become your habits
Your habits become your values
And your values become your destiny
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mind and bodywork together in such a way that any thought or belief we
have, whether it's positive or negative.
actually, affect how we look and how we feel when we have a positive outlook,
and we are aligned with frequencies like
happiness, gratitude, love and joy, high energy, and you resonate through us,
and everything we do.
when we hold on to, negative emotions,
such as –
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Fear
- Regret
- Blame
- Shame
bodies react to these lower energies. And what's more, it affects our physical
health. Yes, it's true that there are many ways we can become sick.
But having
a healthy mind and emotional health is one of our best defenses against sicknesses.
Many of
people consider affirmations to be unrealistic, wishful thinking but let me say
like and give you a very simple example
You do
exercise to improve your physical health as shape.
As time
goes by your health has improved, and you get a better shape, right, same as
are like exercise for our mind, these positive mental petitions can reprogram
our thinking patterns so that over time, we begin to think and act differently
and positively. Let understand more about
Affirmations have
also been shown to help those with
distorted body and other emotional and mental health issues.
been found to stimulate brain areas that make us more likely to make positive
changes in our physical, mental, and emotional health.
Positive affirmations are short sentences that are repeated regularly in order to -
- Stimulate positive
- Feelings of pleasure
- Thoughts
- Attitudes
to the psychological dictionary.
have no conventional spiritual or
religious meaning in the traditional sense can be utilized for a variety of purposes.
It's true that affirmations can be used in
every situation where you want to see a good improvement in your life.
This might include times when you want to increase your confidence and improve your
self esteem, shift, negative feelings, such as frustration or fear, overcome a
bad habit or improve your financial situation, and more.
The power of affirmations like in repeating them to yourself regularly, it's useful to recite your affirmations, several times a day.
Affirmation statements,
usually, target a specific area behavior or any belief that you are struggling
with below of 3 tips that I can share
and help you to write the affirmation statements that best fit your needs.
that your affirmation will be personal to you and specific to what you want to achieve or change in your
1st tip –Thing
about the area of your life that you would like to change. For example, If you want to have more patience, you can make an
affirmation, like trust the process that everything will happen in his own
Or if
you want to deeper relationships with
your loved one. You can make an affirmation
such as –
"I am worthy of a healthy, loving relationship. I deserve to be
happy in my relationship, and I am overwhelmed with love"
And if
you want to improve your financial
situation, you can say –
"I am capable of overcoming any money obstacles that stand in my
So you
can start with, pick one or two areas in your life that you want to change now
and start to identify your negative
thoughts. Then follow the second
2nd tip - Turn negatives into positives. If you are
struggling with negative self talks or thoughts, write them down, write down all your thoughts or beliefs
that is bothering you, then choose an affirmation that is the opposite of past
thoughts, and belief.
For example, if
you constantly think I am not smart enough to progress in my career, turn this
around and write a positive affirmation
such as –
I am a
skilled and experienced professional, or if you think I am not as good as
others, you can replace it with.
"I am unique
And I am special
I am good enough
Just the way
I am"
Or, if
you find yourself keep comparing
yourself to others and this is a fairly common thought to a lot of people, especially women can affirm
yourself with nobody but me, besides how I feel. I am in charge of my thoughts,
and I don't judge myself, I accept and love myself completely.
3rd Tip - Arise
your affirmation, in the present tense
and see it with emotions.
can be more effective when they carry more emotion of weight.
every affirmation that you choose to repeat a phrase that's meaningful to you,
and must be in the present tense, that
can trick your subconscious mind, and it's better to start with, I am.
example - If you're worried about a new project that you've been
working on. You could say to yourself,
"I'm really getting ready to take on new challenges"
And if
you are struggling with money you
can say –
"I am always discovering new sources of income, or I now let go of my financial struggles to the universe. I fully trust and allow abundance flows through my life, easily and quickly or money comes my way in both expected and unexpected ways"
NOTE - positive affirmations
require regular practice suggested daily If you want to make
lasting long term changes to the ways that you think and feel. And do you need
to say affirmations, every day?
are some rules about timing or how
often, when it comes to practicing your affirmations all those things lets
if you want to reinforce the positive
beliefs into your subconscious mind, affirmations should be repeated daily.
You can also, write your affirmations down in the post-it and sticking them in the mirror of your bathroom or any places. That's easy for you to see. So you can see them often, and read them whenever you see it.
If you
don’t know how to pronounce the word & what does the word “AFFIRMATION” mean in English
language then let’s start to learn how to speak it even you are a
beginner. So according to the dictionary, the word “AFFIRMATION” says in American/British
- af·firm·a·tion (/afəˈmeɪʃ(É™)n/).
- Assertion
- Declaration
- Statement
- Proclamation
- Pronouncement
- Attestation
- Assurance
- Oath
- Vow
- Swearing
- Avowal
- Guarantee
- Promise
- Certification
- Pledge
- Deposition
- Asseveration
- Averment
- Confirmation
- Ratification
- Endorsement
- Defence
If you want to
know what are the opposite words of affirmation then there are two words
I have listed below from Oxford language.
- Opposite
- denial
- When we repeatedly say the affirmation in a loaded voice, then whatever we say, that message gets registered in the subconscious mind.
- And then your subconscious mind uses its full force and full means to accomplish that objective.
- It turns your all dreams into reality.
- This subconscious mind is so powerful that once whatever the message is registered by it, then it puts all its strength to fulfill it and keeps achieving it.
- The time when the subconscious mind is most powerful is 5 minutes before bedtime and up to 7 minutes after waking up in the morning because your subconscious mind accepts every message that you give it, and then it is your message. interprets this message as your order and starts working to fulfill it.
In this way, the dreams that were seen in the dream turn into reality. So let’s come to understand what are the 16 steps & methods for practicing affirmation?
Now the time has come to know what are the basic fundamental rules we have to follow for using affirmation either for practicing in the law of attraction or for using manifesting your desires but the rules are same. There is a secret universal hidden technique of speaking affirmation, whenever you speak performance before you sit comfortably.
- You have to sit absolutely comfortably.
- Eyes have to be closed.
- and take the attention to your corpse
- You have to see the breath that is going on for you.
- As you watch the breath, gradually you will turn inward from outside, your concentration level will increase.
- The acceptor power of your subconscious mind, when you are relaxed, when you are calm, that power increases a lot.
- Then you have to speak the affirmation and also listen.
- We need to stay focus.
- Don't pick, too many subjects at once, but focus on one or two areas.
- Identify your niche and turn them into positive affirmations.
- I will say make around 5 to 10 affirmations at the beginning for yourself.
- And when your affirmations are ready. It's better that you repeat them daily.
- As I mentioned, say your affirmations, Twice a day
- Start in the morning, as soon as you can, after waking up.
- This ensures you have a positive start of the day,
- Say your second set, as close as you can before going to
ensures that you have positive thoughts in your mind as you go to sleep. And
this will seep into your subconscious
mind and solidify, as you sleep, and then see them multiple times.
It is
up to you, but I recommend either 3 to 5 minutes, as a session per day. Or
alternatively, seeing your whole set of affirmations, 10 times each in slow
confidence, voice.
Like I
will say some powerful instant effective positive affirmations, listen
to them very carefully, how you speak the affirmations and listen,
whatever dream you have, you can achieve it.
The time
duration is at least you have to speak
30 minutes daily till 31
I am full of confidence
I am full of confidence
I am full of confidence
I have a solution to every problem
I have a solution to every problem
I have a solution to every problem
I am full of energy every moment
I am filled with positive energy
every moment
I am filled with positive energy
every moment
My God is with me every moment
My God is with me every moment
My God is with me every moment
I am very happy with my life
I am very happy with my life
I am very happy with my life
I am very satisfied with my life
I am fully satisfied with my life
I am very satisfied with my life
In this
way, you will speak these affirmations and listen to them, hope you have
liked this article very much. These types of instant arising affirmation you can use during practice time of the law of attraction as well as during manifestation time.
A related article on affirmations for losing weight has been published on this site. So if you really want to lose your weight fast using these 205 powerful effective positive affirmations then you can go through these affirmations.
So let’s
learn more about the secret of affirmation in-depth with my thoughts and
success story.
example -
I am worthy of making more money, I am full of positive love
and energy. I am being loved, I am loving and I am lovable, I am becoming the
best version of myself. I am enough.
are only some of the affirmations I
made when I practice the law of
attraction as a New Ager, now you might be asking yourself, Well what's
wrong with these statements are self
affirmations, like this really new age, I mean why is that the case then
and is it wrong to say or think positive things about myself now, am I now
supposed to walk around thinking, what a terrible person I am because thinking
things about myself is now New Age, not to be honest, these are some of the
questions I asked myself when a new age and many have asked me, similar a question like this.
A lot
of people that leave the new age do struggle with this. Some of you are aware
of my background in the new age but for those of you who don't know, I was
deeply into many new thought practices like the law of attraction.
The law
of attraction is known for using affirmations like this, it's very practicing what you say and you think becomes your reality, your
words have power.
So when
you say affirmations like that, you
are basically manifesting your reality
you're bringing that into your universe, time and time again I have come
across people who have left the New Age, and they have now embraced Jesus, but
they still struggle with this concept of
affirmations and what the Bible
actually says about it, some of you can be.
what I mean, we have trouble understanding where we draw the line with this, so
to speak, where do we draw the line when it comes to having a healthy self
image and concept of ourselves, and speaking New Age affirmations, what's the difference, can we think positively about ourselves in a
biblically healthy way without practicing
affirmations to do it is there a difference.
gonna say yes there is. So the purpose of this article, I am gonna go
over three. What I mean, and I'm going to give you some biblical perspective on this as well.
1 – Perspective
Affirmations our
new age, but having a healthy self worth or self concept is not. First of all, let me define what I mean by
affirmations in the New Age sense okay because I think it's important to define my terms here, I want to make absolutely sure
that everybody is understanding what I mean when I say the word affirmations.
Let’s define it completely.
Type Definition as a beginner -
when you look up the word affirmation,
the definition that you get is the
action or process of affirming something or being affirmed.
Type of Definition -
The 2nd
definition is emotional support or encouragement and so when I
say affirmations, I'm not saying
this as some sort of positive affirmation, so when I say affirmations I mean the consistent daily practice of repeating positive
phrases to yourself to foster a self, empowering belief.
It is
to be said in believe in the present tense, as if you already had it,
which is why most affirmations begin with, I am, some will give support
for this by saying something early that we think.
So that
our subconscious mind or our conscious mind can, therefore, in turn, change our behavior and our self image of ourselves, if you affirm
the desire in the now, then you will supposedly manifest it, that's the idea
behind every practice affirmations.
Do this
every day throughout the day, it's a routine and the core purpose of
affirmations is to attract what you're speaking and thinking affirmations
affect our feelings and in this belief system, Your thoughts and feelings are
this is set to create your reality. This is why it goes hand in hand with
the law of attraction. All right, so you got that so far.
You got
that we're good. Now, in contrast to that, having healthy self worth, is very
different. Think of affirmations, at a sort of mental sorcery. I once had
somebody excellent that way and it made a lot of sense, it's common sense to kind
of know that stable emotional health is good and we should that I say that of
course, that is not new age, I can wake up every day, loving, who God made me to
be was and what I need to work on, I would love for myself, and respect for not
having good boundaries and listening skills, Respect for others empathy things
like quality can be measured, here's the thing, means a healthy sense of
ourselves differ and some are just not sustainable, they don't work in the long
term, I'm submitting to you that affirmations are not sustainable.
When I
say things about myself that I don't actually believe but if I say them. I
might actually attract it or attempt to change my way of thinking. I think this
is not sustainable and this is a flawed system there's a flawed way of
thinking, in my experience, sometimes, not every time but sometimes this does
cross the line into a weird sort of self-delusion, and I'm trying to be worth
this right now, but sometimes some people put themselves in a frame of mind,
that is so unrealistic, that it's, it's very difficult to understand what
they're trying to say, and actually have a story about this, I had once met a
woman who was a very kind, very lovely person to talk to.
before you start your daily affirmation,
just take 30 seconds to look inside yourself and monitor your mood, first, see
how you feel, see how many emotions are you already feel positive, or if you're
feeling negative, just take notes.
>>Listen to Free audio 365 Daily Affirmations for Happiness<<
And as I mentioned consistency is the key of success in your goal by using the law of attraction and manifestation.
So make
a commitment to yourself to do this for
at least 40 days but the little bit result will be seen after 30 days. No
matter what, think long term, and don't give up, because if you want to change
your life.
are some efforts, you have to put in before you even see the life changing results, you really want to see these simple affirmation experiments show
you how they can instantly lift your
mood and change how you're feeling in an instant,
and inspire you to keep going so that you really do get to see the bigger and
lasting changes in your life.
you're still not sure how to write up
affirmations, you can check out my dedicated article on this lawofattractionrealsecret
site for powerful healing affirmations that
I have shared to help you with different
fact, listen to affirmations often can help you develop a positive
mindset and attitude to remember affirmations like exercise to your mind, you
will take time, but it will work. Just have fun every day. It takes only 3 to 5
minutes daily. Enjoy the transformation
journey and do something today. hope you
enjoy this article.
She had a stroke of her feet paralyzed because of it. We're talking we're getting
to, When we come upon the conversation of spiritual things because that's where
I always try to lead my conversations, sorry to the person behind me at the
checkout line at the store, but not very well she proceeds to tell me that God
had healed her.
would every morning she said, saying that God has healed me I am healed. I am
well, she believed that God had healed her from the effects of her stroke. Now
here's the thing I'm having this conversation with her, and I could clearly see
that she wasn't healed, but say that right like I mean that would be rude to
ask okay but you say you, you receive this healing, but I see that you're not
healed up to her and her mind.
her world, that hurt. Even if it's not actual reality to somebody that
practices these things, you can't entertain the negative thought, because then
if you do, then you're going to give the devil a federal, you're going to
basically, take away the power that you believe that God has to heal you, you
want to talk about the good stuff, want to talk about what God is doing for you
It now.
And that's the world that she was living in, and I was, I was intrigued because
I was curious, so I probed a little bit more like maybe I'm not understanding
how did God heal you tell me more about this and she's like yeah, my face was
paralyzed, but now it's not anymore, God completely healed me from this
paralysis that I had, so I knew without a doubt that she had believed this,
even if it wasn't real I've come across this many times with people that do
practice affirmations, there's this weird denial of reality on some aspects.
So what
does the Bible have to say anything about
this? All right now. First, be clear, the Bible
is extremely clear that we are all sinners and compared to a holy God -
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says, what a wretched am Paul, the greatest Christian missionary who lives
isn't righteous simple and unworthy.
difference between ourselves how godless, while at the same time, if we think
we don't have same problem. Why in the world would we need a savior, if we're
blessed victorious wealthy with the light loves you for love and happiness.
in Jesus is not a imagine for me, this is where affirmations, become just
downright deceiving, when, and this is why they can't live together. This is a
huge reason why the New Age is completely incompatible with the gospel, the
gospel calls us to repent, to trust Jesus as our Saviour, but if you're too
good to see your sin which is an illusion anyway. Like, what's there to repent
up. Why is there a need for a savior, when we are the savior?
Now I
can hear some people wondering about the other extreme, well does this mean I
go around all the time just wallowing in the fact that I'm some horrible person
before God, can I not see anything positive in myself because this means that
somehow I'm taking away glory from God, I'm going to be very clear on this, in
my opinion, as an ex new Ager, and as a Christian, having a healthy self worth
or self concept does not mean you're taking away glory from God.
anything, you can credit god for that, it means that you're recognizing who you
are in Christ, knowing that we're price that he paid to redeem you from death
does require you to see that you are a sinner, especially whenever you are
compared to perfection, but also that you are made whole in knowing what you
are good at is not boasting it however is liking who you see in the mirror
every day is not vanity.
having an excessively high opinion of yourself.
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okay to believe that God loves you and made you for a reason,
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So it's
when we come under the will of our Creator that we find our worth and meaning
in life, everything else will leave us empty.
here's the thing affirmations might work for a small amount of time and might
endorse a strange sort of fantasy mindset in some ways, but it won't work
forever. All right,
2 – Balance
nothing wrong with thinking and speaking constructive things about ourselves,
unless it's in place of the Bible, fosters a foothold for New Age ideologies or
completely ignores our sinful nature.
let me just say this I have two young daughters, and they are surrounded by
these weird and unrealistic standards and expectations in our culture today,
and I need them to know that they are brave, beautiful, strong, and very loved,
but more than that I really need them to believe that so when I asked my 10
year old Hey, what's something you really like about yourself, what are you
good at.
I don't
think that that's a prideful thing to do and I don't think that would be an affirmation I would not consider that
to be on par with an affirmation.
forcing her to repeat phrases in the mirror that she probably doesn't believe
over and over and over again, then I would probably be concerned about that but
having her look at herself like she is a unique creation of God, knowing that
what he created is a unique work of art made for a reason and he wants to
redeem her.
I think
that's different, I mean I do this all the time as a mom I look at myself in
the mirror and I like myself, I actually like who I am, I think I'm likable, I
mean, I can see these things in myself and it creates good healthy self
confidence within myself that I can use for the kingdom of God and for His
I also know what I lack. I know what I'm bad at, and it's a lot, so if I'm
trying to teach my girls about what makes them unique. I'd be doing them a
disservice if I completely ignored what shortcomings we all might have, and how
we approach them, this is your affirmations
can get really unbalanced, and it can create an environment for pride and a
total lack of humility.
remember my new age days of course it was just a regular thing trying to
manifest things and in your life. And one of them was to be more likable, I
would literally say to myself, try and likeable,I am confident I am capable.
I am able
I am liked by all who meet me, garbage like that, I was taught and told that it
would change the neural pathways in my brain if I did this and there's some
truth to that, I mean obviously, being more positive is more key for you
mentally and emotionally than being negative, but what I did was basically
ignore the fact that I had personality flaws that I really needed to work on.
I had
to face these and accept fees in order to improve and I was prideful, I was
deceived. I was lying to myself, it was very humbling to admit that I was
sometimes this can create an imbalance in the other direction, where people
that perceive anything said about them that's positive or anything they say
about themselves that's positive as prideful and taking glory from God, I think
Bob's ideas are spiritually harmful when you become a child of God.
means you are no longer condemned but are now considered a son or daughter of
the King of glory. There's nothing wrong with accepting our identity and Jesus,
and knowing what that brings what I see a lot of churches doing however is only
focusing on the good stuff there is
no talk about the need for repentance, God's wrath or sin or anything like that
so when Jesus talked about it's inflamed now, it's all about love.
This is
why I have such a bone to pick with the word of faith movement, and progressive
Christianity scripture says that God is both loving and wrathful, my favorite
gospel is the book of John and
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You know, and one has to wonder about Paul and the disciples and Riddle me this. Can you imagine Paul saying affirmations while he's chained up in prison, executed or John saying that he's wealthy likeable, and healthy while he's exiled on an island.
joy and victory and Jesus was extremely different. It was not based on their
situation or even their happiness. It was based on Jesus and the hope that they
had in him.
Number 3 – Discernment
because you hear someone being positive and saying nice things about
themselves, and reciting Scripture does not always mean they're using
affirmations. Now I will say that a lot of people in the new age and new
thought and word of faith movement, of course, use scripture to back up their
belief and I am statements in affirmations to create their reality, but it's a
misuse of Scripture, they are not using scripture in the way that it's supposed
to be used, they're not interpreting it correctly.
So with
these people that are reciting scripture and they are saying nice things all
the time.
they're just really joyful and have a gift of encouragement, but they could also
be wrong, how do you discern these things, y'all know I'm gonna say, Come on,
come on now. You guys have been following me for any amount of time I know
exactly what I'm gonna say, how do you discern anything.
Bible, the more you get to know the Word, and the more you get to know who
Jesus is in the lens of the Word of God, you're going to have better
discernment, you're going to know right or wrong and you're going to have
proper judgment of things. Now to be clear, discernment is not the same as paranoia,
discernment is like looking at a pool. All right, and you can properly judge
which part of the pool is deep, in which one is shallow by discerning that you
can look at it, look at all the clues around, and make a proper assumption based
on your paranoia is never jumping in because the water has chlorine in it and
therefore it must be poisoned, sometimes people just aren't there, we can't
assume that everyone who states biblical phrases like truth is using
affirmations or misusing scripture, for me personally I would just simply ask
if it were really true or not, or if they're just cherry picking scripture, or
they miss using that scripture.
this involves knowing what Scripture says in its context. If you don't know,
sometimes it's really easy to just look you can see, that's not really what
that means to say something like I trust God at all times because He is my
refuge, or as I lose mine for Jesus, I will find it.
very different, in my opinion than
saying affirmations to manifest to life another example that people might
be struggling with is that you're down on yourself a lot. Alright, maybe you
have anxiety you struggle with depression, and maybe you are a household that's
happier, maybe you're trying to work on this and you're reading scripture and
you're trying to apply it, driving yourself a mental Pep Talk is normal, and
okay, I know a lot of teachers especially struggle with this particular thing,
concentrating on God's promises who Jesus is, or looking at biblical truth for
encouragement or comfort is very different in James one five says if any of you
lacks wisdom, you should ask God who gives generously to all without any fault,
meaning he won't get mad at you for asking, and it will be given to you.
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just the other day, let me just rabbit trail for a second, again and give you
an example of what I mean because I did this the other day, and I'm sure a lot
of people are kind of crisis homeschooling right now, virtual school is
difficult, and I woke up the other day and I just, I'm like okay you can do
this, you can do this, you're going to home today, you're not going to lose
your temper at your kids, they're going to be nice.
The Lord
is with you, he's going to help you be slow to speak, slow to anger and quick
to listen. You got this. And I got to be honest with you has really helped, it
helps for me to wake up thinking okay, I'm a spiritual warrior right now and I
need to do this and I need to do this well, I don't think there's anything
wrong with me, knowing that I'm capable of handling this, God gave me
everything that I need to get through it, it's reminding myself of who he is,
and to have faith in Him and to trust him.
I wouldn't
say that it's correct to assume that I'm using affirmations in the way that I'm
trying to manifest a quality that I want, remembering that it's a spiritual
war, and that this war tool is gonna help give me perspective on it.
Am I a
child of God, yes, that means that I know that God is always with me. I am
strong because of that I am able in that way but I also need to walk and
repentance every single day, I recognize my need for Jesus every single day,
this is a huge difference.
those are the 3 basic points that I
wanted to make about affirmations. Guys affirmations look within its
name and claim it, they look at God as if he were a genie, the universe is
God and its responding words, thoughts, and feelings, so be careful. What way
is that to live.
you believe that your thoughts and words have creative energy to them. You have
a tendency to mold your options around that belief. And it puts a strong yoke
on you as a person. That's impossible. This is very difficult to do that, it
cannot be done in the long term, the God of the Bible is not only sustainable,
but He's sovereign.
This is
one of my favorite things about God is that, and Matthew five Jesus does the
Sermon on the Mount, which is a very famous sermon that Jesus does and it's one
that New Agers just love to misuse when it comes to their teachings, their
story, one of the points of the sermon is to emphasize sin -
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does not keep you from feeling pain, but he's with you through it. So when
someone is speaking their affirmations they're speaking their will, without the
balance of God's sovereignty, with it.
if you are a child of God, you have a completely different identity, but you
are not divine. You are not a little God, God controls our destiny, not us.
We are
under God's will, not our own. So being a child of God Almighty does not mean
God bends his will to ours. It means we bend our will. I will leave you with
one of my favorite scriptures-
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He is
the living water, he will sustain you, He will give you rest. You will never
find forever than yourself.
FAQ 1 : Do affirmations really work?
Yes. Affirmations are working 100% because this theory works on belief system if you are practicing the law of attraction and manifestation method then it’s a basic foundation of the universal secret formula. For example listing your favorite song.
FAQ 2 : What is an example of an affirmation?
If you want to know the real effective example of affirmations are – I am healthy I have capable to do anything in my life I can achieve whatever I want I am a boss of my soul and fate I can do anything better than others..Etc
FAQ 3 : What are the types of affirmations?
Affirmations are divided into 2 parts one is either it may be positive and second is either it may be negative.
FAQ 4 : Who can practice affirmations?
Anyone can practice affirmations for gaining ultimate spiritual energy in the body that gives you to boost your thinking ability to manifest your desire thing fast.
FAQ 5 : What is the most powerful affirmation?
I am alone no one can help me I should stand alone without supporting No one can help me I should earn money for living
FAQ 6 : Why affirmation is important?
Affirmation is a very important source to manifest our goal because this is a part of the universe through which we can get our desire thing it works like a ladder.
FAQ 7 : How affirmation helps us to achieve our goal fast?
It boosts thinking ability, making thoughts clearly & increases belief system during manifesting.
Conclude – Here we have learned the complete theory about what is affirmation full real meaning and with 2 definitions, pronunciation and how to use positive affirmation in our life for both men and women in English as well as it’s related synonym each and everything I have explained with example by biblical also.
Tags- what is an affirmation, what does affirmation mean, what is the definition of affirmations.