ATTRACTION IN ISLAMIC | Let's discuss the law of attraction from an Islamic perspective with the help of reading the Quran Verse. Lets me
explain my knowledge.
Since I
knew Law of Attraction back in 2009 I fell in love with it instantly drawn and
adopted as my daily life. Until one day, I was wondering, is it okay for me to
adopt believes even though happy with my life, but part of me didn't feel good
about it.
Then I
look for further references that able to be passionate. And how is it an Islamic
on RasulAllah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam guidance
to understand more about the law of attraction in Islam. I would like to share
it with you. Please listen to an interesting and scientific conversation about the law
of attraction or Dr. Zaidul Akbar called as law of lawkulma.
please do share it with others. Everything in the universal first comes from
the same source. If the sun can projectile through the fission reaction. In
principle, human beings can also do a fusion reaction.
That is
because are abundant in hydrogen, meaning that humans are very capable of
sharing energy, much more complex than the sun, because the raw material, namely
hydrogen is already in ourselves.
fact, the sun conducts more simpler fusion reactions. As for the son. It only
involves two protons fused together become a neutron. And neutron with a proton
and then combining and theory select, which means that a person strong belief
or perception can lead he or she to add a dimension which character of the addition does not apply yet this process on the hour, but we can explain it a
single mechanism in nature is like the measure computer that regulates every
event in the universe itself is coherent and interconnected
system from the most complicated to the simple process in the universe has a
mechanism, as long as it didn't happen somewhere will indeed affect their place
in the universe. This universal mechanism is holistic, meaning that all of it
can be acknowledged from any position while Stephen Hawking calls it the
universal mechanism or the subconscious, and he calls it the grand formula, or
theory of everything.
While Quran
calls “AL-LAWHU
‘L-MAHFUZ” it or Kitabul-Mubeen. Allah mentioned that in Surah
Al-An´am first verse 59-
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main computer or surfer or subconscious can be accessed by our brain, because
it is connected to humans, the human brains in billion can be analog as a
client computer we access it through the subconscious mechanism.
If our
belief in steady, All the variables in nature seems to be moved to support that
belief, rational things do not seem to apply anymore or natural laws seem to
stop because we have other dimensions.
researchers have succeeded in mapping several types of brainwaves. When humans
are under certain conditions, the fat away, for example, marks the present, of
course, shooting sensation in harmony.
what is unique is that the universe also has such frequency, and wherever we
are, the waves are always there, if you believe in synchrony two phenomena are
often related to one another. In that exploration showing the uniformity of
every particle in nature is a necessity. So try when someone is on theta wave,
he is actually turning into the universe. That is when we feel calm and at
So how
can we access the “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ” suffers from the consciousness, down to
the subconsciousness via What fear serenity, how the easiest and the fastest is
through the reciting Quran? When a person reached the Quran, he/She is
accessing his subconscious with the repetition Quran. In fact, things that have
been relieved by some people to be the law of attraction can be true or could
be wrong.
are the condition change awareness and perception without knowledge and
understanding of your project predication.
is difficult to occur. Awareness is needed as a combination of steps and
activities to be carried out. How do you do it all so easily?
Go to
the subconscious, access the Haas computer. So by accessing all rationally D
will not apply, because it speaks in another dimension. What is the key
awareness and awareness will start from a string, namely faith is the highest
power that we need faith & knowledge.
And the
more impossible that is, the less aware it is because the main computers do
not recognize these terms, you can access to the owner of the main computer namely
the Lord of the world, and presumed him with whatever you intend.
So the
perception that Allah is what he Syrphid thing is very true because everything
will happen according to its content, not only the non-physical mention, the physical dimension will also react when we have arrived at the dimension.
question is, who is the owner of “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ”. How do we access the
owner of our “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ”.
The answer is simple. With our prayers and intention towards him. Whether your prayer is
logical or not, whether you want it or not, the universe will follow you at his
command. I repeat his command.
is no need to use logic in the brain because the super suffer “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ”
does not ask, Is it logical or not. And amazingly, you can access this “AL-LAWHU
‘L-MAHFUZ” directly to his owner with your intention towards him.
‘L-MAHFUZ” can be accessed if our hardness in line with the frequency of the
owner and the “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ” itself. Yes, the choice is up to you,
because Allah has given us an unlimited capacity of our brain, and is already on
my end in line, whether we want to use it or not, that unlimited ability. I
say, unlimited because the human brain is limitless.
What is
the way during the correct video, correct recitation of the Quran, Conway,
right. all the calm waves. What does this mean is surfing to always be online
with his local man. It is a shame if he doesn't use it right, well, that's why
a lot of contemplation, to tough, occurs, so we can access the local Memphis
So, what is the law that many people believe
to be the law of the universe? Everything happens automatically that the
regulator, who is the source, how is it done.
So for
me, whatever the laws are they are all boiled down to one source, the Quran.
The funny thing is that there are some of those who don't even know that I think is
already in the “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ”, it has been arranged their in “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ”,
who is in charge, the owner of the surfer.
keep on imagining, thinking action until you arrive at the desired mention of “AL-LAWHU
‘L-MAHFUZ”, do it with the subconscious mechanism by entering the frequency
That is
why people who are close to Allah they get can access it easily. The mechanism
is already in Kitabul-mubeen going to “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ” surfer can be an
infinite human who has entered another dimension.
We are
infinite humans, why this is the explanation, human brains consists of 1
trillion brain cells, while the bees has only 10,000 brain cells, which is a
few 1000 brain cells. This is what bees can do construct & story buildings
for entire bees community, take care of their children collect pollen and
various information, communicate through gestures and voice, counting dancing
distinguish fly at high speed, regulate body temperature and smell make
strategic and difficult decisions huddled together and made sophisticated information.
If you
compare, it means that it has only 0.000001% of the human brain. It turns out that
the human brain is only used a maximum of 5%. The study shows that the nerve
cell in the human brain is 10billion and have a probability of being connected
by 28 zeros means 10 to the power of 28 Zero behind.
is, if you write down the total permutation combination in the brain, it
will be one followed by 10.5 million kilometres zeros. That is why the human
brain is almost lean right. So, if you want to access “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ”,
then the requirement is that will they believe it, and then our awareness guide
describes activities.
assessing this “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ” is now to start with awareness,
consciousness, as Khalifa feels heart and his surfer. And then the most the important thing is to get into that universal mechanism first with those waves
consciousness to subconsciousness and finally reached the surfers Yes, that's
we were given unlimited access to “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ”. That is why, when the
owner of the surfer gets access to “AL-LAWHU ‘L-MAHFUZ” everything was possible.
Are these are terms and conditions.
Conclude- Here we have learned HOW IT'S LAW OF
ATTRACTION with the help of Quran Verses with an example.