PEEPAL TREE BENEFITS | Let's see what are the 26 peepal tree benefits & uses all secret facts & information in English with images in 2022.

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The branches of all three are said to extend far and wide, even beyond the visible horizon. They also all share the characteristic of having a multitude of branches with leaves and blossoms that give off a pleasing fragrance.

The bodhi tree, pippala tree, peepal tree, or ashvattha is known as the Tree of Enlightenment in Buddhism.

The Bodhi Tree is a direct descendant of the Pippala tree, and can be found in many Buddhist temples.

It is said that a branch from the original Bodhi Tree was planted at Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka in 288 BC by King Tissa who had visited India and brought a cutting back with him.

Pippala trees are often used as decorative plants in Buddhist temples, but can also be found growing naturally throughout much of Asia and parts of Europe. The leaves are commonly used in Buddhist ceremonies and meditation.

The Bodhi Tree at the Mahabodhi Temple is called the Sri Maha Bodhi, or Sacred Fig. It is said to be a direct descendant of the original Bodhi Tree under which the Buddha gained enlightenment.

According to legend, in 288 BC, King Ashoka was going to war against the state of Kalinga (modern-day Odisha). On the way, he was reputed to have seen a vision of Buddha under a Bodi tree.

He immediately ordered his troops to stop fighting and returned to the capital of Pataliputra (modern-day Patna). Ashoka then converted to Buddhism and became a supporter of the religion.

The spot where he saw the vision is marked by a marble pillar called the Ashokan Pillar, located in present-day Bodh Gaya.

Bodh Gaya was originally outside major ancient Indian cities, including Varanasi and Rajgir. In ancient times, the area was sparsely populated by Jains and Buddhists.

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peepal tree leaf

The Chinese traveller Xuanzang visited the area in the 7th century, then known as Vajrasana ("Thundering Lion" or "Dharma Seat"). He described it as being about three miles in circumference, with many monasteries surrounding a large number of stupas.

Some believe that this description applies to present-day Bodh Gaya, while others believe that it was located elsewhere.

According to popular tradition, the Mauryan emperor Ashoka visited Bodh Gaya in the 3rd century BCE. He is also said to have built a temple there, which was destroyed by the 14th century CE Muslim invader Bakhtiyar Khilji.

The current Mahabodhi Temple dates from the 5th century CE and was built under the patronage of Gupta emperor, Samudragupta. According to Tibetan sources, however, this temple was one of many temples that stoodon the site from the 3rd century BCE.


The peepal tree is a sacred tree of Hindus. It is the most sacred tree for Hindus and it is the most auspicious tree to be planted in the courtyard of Hindu homes.

In India, peepal trees are found everywhere in temples, houses, and roadsides. The tree symbolizes power and fertility.


It is believed that the spirit of Lord Vishnu resides in the peepal tree. This tree is worshipped by Hindus as a symbol of purity and devotion.

Peepal leaves are used to worship idols of Hindu gods. A good amount of water should be poured on the peepal tree at least once a day to keep it healthy and happy.

A Peepal (or Bodhi) tree is a sacred fig tree in Hinduism. It is also a common name for the species Ficus religiosa, which is venerated by all Hindus and is considered to be the most sacred living thing on Earth.

The peepal tree grows in groups and its trunk has many branches spreading out like umbrellas.


The word "peepal" comes from the Sanskrit pippala, meaning "pipal" or"pippal".

Peepal tree is the symbol of Hinduism. It is a sacred tree and represents knowledge, truth, peace, and unity.

Peepal trees are planted in the courtyards of Hindu temples and homes as a sign of purity.

They are also planted around cremation grounds to mark the site for rituals, as it is believed that peepal trees absorb negative energy from death rites.

 In addition, people believe that planting peepals near houses will bring prosperity and happiness.

Peepal trees are also planted around holy wells to provide a sense of protection.

Culture & Beliefs:

The sacred tree of Hinduism, the peepal is also referred to as Ashwattha or pipal. In Buddhism, it is known as Bodhi Tree, under which Buddha attained enlightenment. According to Jainism, the five legendary Tirthankaras attained nirvana under this tree. The peepal is also regarded as the most sacred tree in Zoroastrianism.

Trees have been revered since ancient times and several cultures worshiped them as deities. Trees are believed to be endowed with special powers, and therefore worshipped by many communities.

In India, the pipal tree is considered a symbol of prosperity and is worshiped in Hinduism.

In Buddhism, trees are seen as living beings. In Europe, the Christmas tree is a symbol of Christmas and the lighted candles placed on it represent Christ.

Every year, people in several countries hold celebrations to worship trees and plants. For example, the 'Floralia' festival is celebrated in Rome during April every year to honor Flora, the goddess of flowers.

It is believed that in ancient times, people used to bring flowers to her temple on this day. The word 'floral' means relating to flowers. In China, the 'Festival of Happiness' is celebrated in the spring season to mark the end of winter and pray for a good harvest.

There are several important festivals celebrated all over the world. For example, Easter is a Christian festival that celebrates Jesus Christ's resurrection after his crucifixion on Good Friday.

The date of Easter changes every year because it is based on a lunar calendar. Other major festivals include Diwali (festival of lights) in India, Eid al-Fitr (Feast of breaking the fast) in Muslim countries, and Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year).

There are many festivals held all over the world. For example, the Chinese New Year is celebrated by people all over China on the first day of spring.

Other major festivals include Diwali (festival of lights) in India, Eid al-Fitr (Feast of breaking the fast) in Muslim countries, and Christmas in the Christian world.


The peepal tree has been used for the treatment of several health problems. It is one of the best natural herbs that has been used in traditional Indian medicine. Here are some uses of peepal tree leaves:

1. For Acidity:

Peepal tree leaves are a great source of vitamin C and thus they can be used to cure stomach acidity. You can make a decoction by boiling a few peepal leaves in water and drinking it with a pinch of salt.

2. For Urinary Infections:

Peepal tree leaves are an excellent source of vitamin C and thus they can be used to cure urinary infections. Boil some peepal leaves in water and drink it with a pinch of salt. This will help you get rid of urinary infections.

3. For Skin Infections:

Peepal tree leaves are an excellent source of vitamin C and thus they can be used to cure skin infections. Apply the peepal tree leaves directly on the infected area. It will help you get rid of skin infections.

4. For Cough:

Peepal tree leaves are an excellent source of vitamin C and thus they can be used to cure cough. Take some peepal tree leaves and grind them into a fine paste. Now, apply this paste on your chest. This will help you get rid of cough.

5. For Cancer:

Peepal tree leaves are an excellent source of vitamin C and thus they can be used to cure cancer. Grind some peepal tree leaves into a fine paste. Now, apply this paste on the affected area. It will help you get rid of cancer.

6. For Heart Diseases:

Peepal tree leaves are an excellent source of vitamin C and thus they can be used to cure heart diseases. Apply the peepal tree leaves directly on the affected area. It will help you get rid of heart diseases.

7. For Diabetes:

Peepal tree leaves are an excellent source of vitamin C and thus they can be used to cure diabetes. Grind some peepal tree leaves into a fine paste. Now, apply this paste on the affected area. It will help you get rid of diabetes.

8. For blood sugar:

Peepal tree leaf helps in the regulation of blood sugar level and also keeps cholesterol levels under control. It is also a natural antioxidant that helps in fighting against free radicals.

9. Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties

Peepal tree leaf contains a compound called lupeol, which is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties.

The leaves of the Peepal tree are used in various Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

10. Relieves constipation and menstrual cramps

Peepal tree leaf helps to relieve constipation by increasing the production of gastric juices. It also helps to ease menstrual cramps by increasing the blood flow to the uterus.

Peepal tree leaf is used in the treatment of headaches, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting.

11. As a part of diet for weight loss

Peepal tree leaf is used as a part of diet for weight loss. It is also used in various Ayurvedic medicines for curing diabetes mellitus.

12. In skin diseases

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for curing various skin diseases. It is also used to treat eczema, ringworm, and psoriasis.

13. For colds and coughs

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating colds and coughs. It also helps to remove phlegm from the respiratory tract.

For diarrhea, dysentery, and feverPeepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating diarrhea, dysentery, and fever. It also helps to cure piles.

14. For fever and headache

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating fever and headache. It also helps to cure bleeding from the nose.

15. For blood purification and digestive problems

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating blood purification and digestive problems. It also helps to cure bleeding piles.

16. For anemia and inflammation

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating anemia and inflammation. It also helps to cure indigestion, liver disorders, swelling of the abdomen and stomach ache.

For jaundice and burning sensation in the body parts like eyes, ears, etc.

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating jaundice and burning sensations in the body parts like eyes, ears, etc.

17. For heart diseases

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating heart diseases. It also helps to treat cough, cold, and fever.

18. For diabetes and obesity

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating diabetes and obesity. It also helps to lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin production in the body.

19. For hepatitis and other liver problems

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating hepatitis and other liver problems. It also helps to increase appetite, digestion, and immunity.

20. For diarrhea, dysentery, and colitis

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating diarrhea, dysentery, and colitis. It also helps to cure ulcers of the intestine.

21. For mouth ulcers, toothache and other mouth problems

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating mouth ulcers, toothache, and other mouth problems. It also helps to relieve sore throat.

22. For piles and dysentery

Peepal tree leaf is used in Ayurvedic medicines for treating piles and dysentery. It also helps to cure gastric ailments, leucorrhoea, urinary disorders, and pain in the kidney region.

23. Hair growth and hair treatment

The leaves are very beneficial for hair growth and hair treatment because they contain anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-oxidant properties.

24. Treating scalp infections

The leaves are very effective in treating scalp infections like dandruff, hair fall, and scalp itching. It also helps to remove lice from the hair.

25. Head lice

It also helps to treat head lice as it contains anti-lice properties which prevent the lice from reproducing.

26. For Hair treatment

Peepal tree leaves are very effective in increasing the growth of hair because they contain a lot of vitamin C and B6 that help to improve the blood circulation to the scalp.

Peepal tree leaves are very effective in treating hair loss because they contain vitamin C and B6 that helps to improve the health of the hair follicles.

It also contains a lot of proteins which helps to prevent hair fall. Peepal tree leaves help to treat thinning hair as it contains a lot of vitamin C, protein, and iron that makes your hair thick and strong.

This is how you can use peepal tree leaves for hair loss:

Take a handful of peepal tree leaves and crush them. Add it to your shampoo and apply it on your hair. Wash off after 15 minutes. This remedy is also good for treating dandruff and hair fall.




Note: If you are allergic to peanuts, do not use this remedy as peepal tree leaves contain nuts too. Also, if you have a scalp infection or inflammation, avoid using this remedy.

Conclude – Here I have shared the entire 26 secrets of hidden peepal tree and their leaf benefits and how can you use them easily at home like the ayurvedic/natural ancient method.

If you know more about this peepal tree stories, benefits anything regarding this spiritual tree, then comment me I will add in this article.

Thanks for reading.



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