secret successful story & methods on the new moon full live process ritual
& doing the right prayer to manifest fast.
My full moon manifestation ritual, you know, ritual
technique method, whatever you want to call it. Tonight is the full moon. I
just wanted to show you guys how to manifest, and also how to release things.
So, this is how to use the moon's energy to manifest things into your life but also if you
have things you want to release.
You can also use this energy
as well. Usually, the best, best, best, best time to manifest is during a new moon, which would be in, I guess
two weeks, maybe two weeks from now.
But you can also use the full moon, as well, it's just best to use the new moon so when the new
moon does come around, you can also use that one.
But for now, since
there's no time like the present. What you want to do first is, sage. If you
don't have sage or palo santo which is, you know, this little piece of wood.
This is the sage, you
can just like take a shower and just basically see it as you cleansing so
basically what you're doing before you start metaphase cleanse it in some type
of way.
So it can be, with a shower can also just visualize white
light around the place where you're going to be doing your manifestation.
I wouldn't usually do my ritual on the table assume this is just a demonstration, I'm not going
to actually do my ritual right now
because I want to do it in private.
Because I'll take it more seriously. And also because I'm a
Scorpio rising so very private, but I'm just going to tell you.
So basically I would, I would sage, my space, I prefer with palo santo To be honest, I'm gonna
demonstrate with the sage. For me, the palo
santo feels a lot more.
I just make me feel
better but you just want to say is your, your space. And by the way, you could
get this online, I think it was less than $20 It was probably like $14.
It came with this, the stand, and the Palo Santo. And the keyring
and everything was really cute. Well, I definitely think it was less than 20
so you can get this online easily.
But it's really easy to get isn't really not hard so you can
maybe get one for your new moon
which again will come before it will come within two weeks.
Beige in the space you could also say, your journal, you will need a journal or at least a piece of paper.
I don't like to get too fancy. I know some people like
to get so fancy and have a specific book
and have everything be your, you know, to me, the power is in you, not in
anything that is here, not in the crystals
not in this day is not in the book.
It's all in you. So, believing, if you believe that you need
fancy stuff, then you might need fancy stuff because you put that belief there.
But you know, to be honest, I believe as a psychic I believe the power is in me.
So, the power within you, you don't have to be fancy. It's
literally your mind where the power is. And also in the moon.
That's all that really matters, but you know, we have crystals because crystals are a really good tool for manifesting and to just keep
your space, clear and keep your vibrations high and everything, and to fuel
your manifestations. I well on the full
moon, it's really good to put your crystals outside underneath the energy of the moon.
Okay, it's good to do this around 5pm In the daytime,
and then just leave them there throughout the night, but it's important to take
them back inside. Before they like I did have these under the moon at five around 5pm And I only brought them in just to do
this, I'm also keeping them here when I do my actual ritual.
And then I'm going to put them back outside for a longer
time but half of my crystals are
still out there.
So these are kinda like-charged and ready. So once you do that. I have the moon ology deck, to be honest, and usually
for me personally, I would pull
cards, you don't have to have this deck you can pull tarot cards and you don't even need to
pull cards, to be honest.
But the reason why I do this is that it kind of gives me
an idea, or like a little bit of help to kind of figure out what I need to manifest because like
you know you already know what you want to manifest.
But sometimes you can get some like insight from oracle cards or tarot cards as a way of
kind of letting your guides or angels help you to add more things to your list
like things that they feel that you need in your life like you know like self
love or anything like that anything that you didn't think of you can use cards to kind of help you to come up
with more things you know let the
universe guide you but it's not necessary.
It just helps. So usually I would pull cards, and I'll
shuffle them and pull them but I wanted to take these out because these cards are relating to the full moon.
This is surrender to the divine. This is the actual full moon card. And I also wanted to talk about the waning gibbous moon,
which is a couple days after the full
moon so a couple days from now.
That will be the time to release, okay you can release on the full moon but you can also release
on the waning given, give us the waning gibbous moon, that's when the moon is releasing some of its energy so it's a good time for you to
release things as well.
So on those days, On that day you would write stuff like I
release negative thinking I release negative
energy I release you know feelings for past negative feelings from the past or you could release an ex, you
know, that's the time to release so that will be like two days from now, two
nights from now as the winning give us, and that's a good time to release and.
But when it comes to manifestation.
Okay. What you want
to do is write in the present tense. So you don't want to write. I want to say you want a race or a car you won't want you
won't write I want a car, because then it will never come because you, you just
manifest, keep keeping on, you'll
just keep wanting, okay.
But you're supposed to do it in the present tense so that it
comes to you, you know manifest into
your reality because there is no time where these things are coming from,
you know, in the other dimensions, where
we are manifesting from, there's no such thing as time.
They, there is only now, so it doesn't understand I want
because it doesn't know anything about the future.
It only knows right now so when you write I am healthy, I have a new
car, you know, like, it's for right now, It's not for the future is for
You're literally creating your reality like putting things
into your reality because, to be honest, the only thing that really exists to
us, even though there is time here is right now because the past doesn't exist
The future is yet to be created
and that's what we're doing right now. So you write stuff like I am healthy, I
am this and that, I have this I have that anything that you want. Okay.
The reason why it's better to do this during the full moon, rather than on a random day is because of the moon.
Energy is really strong and it does help assist you. And,
and fuel your manifestations, to
come quicker and well to actually manifest.
You know, rather than doing it on a random day and not
knowing what's going on with the moon
or if it's gonna calm and then you have all this doubt, to be honest when I,
Because I did, I did a manifestation withdrawal. Pass. New Moon and a lot of the things have manifested and it's only been two weeks.
Okay. That's how powerful the moon is, if you are able to
write things down on the new moon and it manifests by the full moon, two weeks
later then. You know, that's, that's the power
of Moon basically. So, that's why we use the moon's energy rather than manifesting it on a random day. Also
with candles.
I'm using a white candle right now and the reason why
it's because White Candles are really
good for manifestation, but also if
you want to manifest money in particular, it's good to use a green candle,
for obvious reasons, but yeah.
Candle for manifesting anything green candle if you want money.
Oh, and pink candle, If you want love,
you know, you can just kind of study the colors and see what kind of to use for your particular thing that you want to
Alright, so after you've
written, I'm not gonna write because I'm gonna nervous about my hand right
and right now I don't know how it's gonna turn out but anyways.
After you've written
what you want to write. When it
comes up for me this is what I personally do, I will fold the paper and I will
put it with the crystals underneath the moon for like a few hours, you know,
and it's all about visualization and
So I basically would kind of see that as me fueling my manifestations with the moon
Okay, some just kind of believe in because belief is
everything I'm just kind of believing that the moon is showering the paper with
its blessings, making it, giving it power, you know, after that.
Everyone's different, you know, some people will go and put
it in their garden on the ground and visualize
it kind of growing into reality, you know, I personally I'm surrounded by
My house is fully concreted so I like to just put mine away
somewhere where I'll forget about it that place where I won't go to like a draw
that I don't use somewhere that I just won't go to and I'll just forget about
it. It works for me.
So if you do live somewhere like where I live, and there's
no soil, you know, you could just do that and it's fine. It's really about letting
go as well. Letting go not thinking about the paper not thinking about what you
wrote, just go on with your day go on with your week at like, all of this
didn't happen. Okay, so.
Well, that's how you put it away. And let's talk about the
waiting to give us already that's two days after this, where you want to release.
You want to release things so, particularly if you want to manifest, money, or even
love, you know, when it comes to winning give us when it's time to
release things usually, you want to write things like I release. I release,
limiting beliefs about money, I
release past hurts, I release, you know, releasing the ex so you can manifest new love releasing those old
feelings and negative feelings you know you want to release anything that would
directly block the thing that you want to manifest.
So, you, you plant your seed, you clear out. You get
everything out the way anything that could possibly get in the way of your manifestation you clear that out.
Okay, you should see your manifestation within a month, it is realistic, I'm not putting
limits on it.
But say you want to manifest like 10 properties to be in
real estate and you want to manifest in
a week, and you have $0 It's, it's possible, but you might be disappointed.
Okay, you want to manifest,
you want to be realistic. You don't want to be unrealistic and end up
disappointed and then completely started out in the law of attraction you know.
So, for me, when I first ever started manifesting first ever
thought of using the law of attraction.
Never tried to do anything big, because I didn't want to
lose faith in it, I thought it was something small like for me I'm in fitness,
and I really wanted protein powder and
I couldn't afford it at the time.
And I truly manifested the protein powder so I thought you
start with small things that you know, can happen, that will kind of fuel your
belief in the law of attraction, and then you'll be like wow this works
so you get you go a little bit ago, a little bit bigger, and then you, you
can go up to a higher power and all that but like, I really recommend starting
small, because when you start to see the little things manifest, it will help
you to believe. And that's important because the thing that we struggle with a
lot is the belief side of it hard to believe that this isn't happening.
You're the one that other things happen, it helps you to
believe in it and trust it is almost like building a relationship with the Mall of attraction with your
ability to manifest you're building a
relationship with that you're able to trust it.
And you won't be disappointed by it, you know, don't get too
big. Yes, unless you already have manifested things in your life and you
believe, you know, again, I recommend
that it's more I'm not trying to be negative or limiting, I'm just giving you
the best way to start from my experience, because I remember in the past and
ongoing and on.
By remembering the past and I saw people in my life trying
to manifest, huge ridiculous things that never manifested and not ridiculous
things but they just wanted to come from zero to a million. Just like that and
it didn't haven't really lost weight and they kind of never tried it again so
that's why I recommend like just,
just, just go with the small things and build up and I promise you it will
like you will build this relationship with your own power to
manifest, and you will learn so much.
You know, you will become more powerful. It's literally
like, and I'm going on and on, but it's like when you start in the gym, you
don't want to pick up the big weights,
or you will you know, it's just not necessary to get to the goal, you know, you
want to start small, build it up.
And over time, you, you would have learned so much you would have manifested so many things
that you would preach into everyone else how
amazing it is if it works.
So, um, basically that's it for the whole method. Let me
just go over it, you kind of saved your cleanse yourself, you'll get saved with
visualizing right like cleansing the place.
You know I'll play also you could play some of that like meditation music the high frequency, high vibration music that you can find on our lawofattractionrealsecret site.
Um, so that's one charge
your crystals, we can use tarot
cards or oracle cards to kind of
give you some help, some advice on what to do on, you know what is best for you to manifest at this time like a little bit of help from your angel guide.
And then before writing down what you want in the present
tense, also write it and feel it, that's very important.
Okay, viewing is everything in this universe, as human beings, it's how I do my readings,
without feeling anything.
Okay, it's all feeling. If you're writing it down and you're
just kind of writing it down just to write it down, it might not come true.
You need to feel what you would feel like if you were
sitting in the audience. That day when Oprah said, you get a car, like how
would you have felt like you would have been, leaping out obviously like screaming
just like those people.
You have to feel that when you write in that down when
you're writing full moon manifestation ritual, you know I have a car I own a new
car or I have this I have that I am this, you have to feel like you just got
it, like it just literally like it just landed in front of you, and you're just
shocked and happy and you know you need to feel that you have to create that
feeling, like literally feel it in your chest and just feel it building and
Okay. So, the feeling and then the belief already explained belief, it's best to start small so that you can build on that belief, your belief muscle can get stronger you can start to have more faith in it, rather than going out of control and being totally disappointed, you know.
So, the fifth
thing was charging the paper that's something that I personally do ever seen
anyone else do this, but it's just something that I do put in outside with
the crystals for like a few hours to kind of soak in the new moon, the full moon energy, then
putting it away from the garden, or somewhere in your house where you will
forget, don't put it in your underwear drawer that you go into every day because then you're gonna see the paper and remember you want to put it
somewhere that you, you won't remember, you know, you won't remember like some
way you never go forgotten drawer or forgotten cupboard, you know.
And then there are two days late when it's time to release, I
released this I released that your release anything that is, that would block
your, your manifestation.
Okay. And you can also take the opportunity to release an ex. Okay, it will work, like
if you have been trying to get over someone for the longest time, you can use
the waning gibbous moon to release that person, I released that
one so I no longer have feelings for so and so, you know, you can do that.
So, take advantage
of full moon manifestation ritual prayer
energies that are around you, you know, the air is here for you to breathe, the trees, nature,
everything is here for you and it has power and now you know how to use it.
So that's basically it. I have sage I have a fire, water,
crystals for the earth and we have air in here.
So basically I would cleanse or charge acquittals as the
cause, questions, I would fill this page with I am or I have whatever I want to
manifest here. Yeah, but that's what I do. So, that's my favorite full moon manifestation ritual secret successful method.
After I'm done, I basically just chill you know it's like
the full moon you just chill out.
Nothing fancy, you just relax, you could take a bath, you know if you want to
another bath.
But yeah, that's what I do on my ritual, so I'm glad I could share with you guys, I want to share
so much with you guys but I was just thinking of how to do everything you know,
for taking time but yeah. So I hope you enjoyed this article, I hope you do
your ritual and have success with it.
You can let me know in the comments if you do manifest within a month. I would love to hear your stories.
So yeah, feel free to share this with your best friend, your
mom, anyone who wants to manifest
whatever they want. Thank you so much for reading. GOD BLESS YOU.
Conclude – Here I have explained the full moon
manifestation ritual prayer live process step by step all 5 ways through which
you can manifest your desired thing during the new moon.
Tags -full
moon manifestation, full moon manifestation methods, full moon manifestation ritual, full moon manifestation